CHANGE OF ADDRESS! (By direct access)
Voici ma nouvelle adresse :
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
How To Make Quaker Oats
Eh oui, une semaine ça passe vite, surtout quand on est en vacances !

Après une semaine passée en Dordogne, nous voilà de retour en Normandie, finallement, mise à part l'architecture, nous ne sommes pas trop dépaysés (je veux bien entendu parler du temps). Let the details, we simply say that we do not return any tan. Anyway the sun is bad for the skin ... the idea of the day "summer sun gives you cancer!"
short, everything went wonderfully well past
I told you early last week that my vacation started with a migraine, oh! ptite a migraine to start the holidays, I boasted that I have not had for almost 2 years, hehehe, next time I am silent bouhhh!
So starting Saturday morning at 7:00 I think instead of 4 hours provided, nothing nasty! Prepare bags 0:00 to 2:00 in the mornin ', it has its charm ...
Celeste was an angel all the way, she slept well and watch the scenery, relief!
We arrived about 17 hours, with the sun, the holidays are finally beginning!
Not for long, since just lying down, the storm began, all night ... Wake sullen, but not weakened our morale, we are here to relax.
morrow, rain, go the forecast good weather for the next day, still manages to hit some balls (tennis ... and ping-pong, very athletic ... but not for long ...) and visit Beynac and its castle.
Tuesday finally cleared, the afternoon was sunny, Dad breaks a ligament, 18h emergency Sarlat: achilles heel, an operation the next day, plastered, at least 3 months off, and well holidays were short, especially for him ... Wednesday
great sun and visit the Chateau de Castelnaud, 4, without dad who is on the pool ...
and then afternoon visit to the hospital Sarlat (and incidentally dad)
sun and output (already) Dad a leg in plaster at the campsite, well, it's not easy Finally, it no air easy, we had our 2 legs, eh!
Friday, dismantling of the tent with the parent cloud above our heads, for the initiated (or others with a little common sense) you can imagine we feared the rain. I think that Christian and mother, has dismantled a tent as fast (yes Dad, you can imagine that he could not do much but it was still under the remonstrances hihihi Mom and me Celeste I helped by intermittent, good excuse ... like a little plaster of nothing prevented really help pffff )
Saturday return, we started at 10 am and arrived at 22 am and Celeste was still an angel, what exceptional child!
I forgot, we still managed to get a lil 'restaurant' on Thursday night (it was mostly to cheer Dad, eh!): Foie gras, leg of duck and potato sarladaise, huuummm it was divine!
Well, the little round-up of our vacation, a week which allowed us to decompress a little, to disorient us anyway! Despite my sarcasm we've had good holidays and good times with your family! We have
and also enjoyed watching our daughter grow, that continues to surprise us.
and also enjoyed watching our daughter grow, that continues to surprise us.
The recovery will be difficult ...
Friday, July 4, 2008
Similar Urban Outfitters
With only 3 hours late, this is it we are ready! Departure imminent!
the fault of a bad headache last night which delayed the preparations ...
I take this opportunity to wish a happy moiniversaire to my daughter, for those who follow it is the 5th.
Surveying month: 6kg720 to 64 cm, Mom's milk is always good ;-)
Next month we will begin to think diversification (already!)
On this HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!!! to within one week!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Can A Tent Trailer Battery Get Charged By The Car
Finally a holiday! I said a few days ago that the courses were finished, it was the turn of the job but this time only for ten days.
You may say that the holidays are always too short ... I do not disagree with you!
Tomorrow night, starting Sarlat in the Dordogne for a week of much needed rest (of course I still work very hard and is always my well deserved rest! Doubt it not!)
For once, Christian has prepared all his belongings (he would hurry to leave?) is the first time in 10 years that their business is ready before mine ... For me, nothing is ready, if not a book for the times "lazy"
For now, a good night's sleep, we'll see tomorrow ...
Celeste, she is dressed for the sun:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Things Like Poptropica Or Club Penguin
On vacation ... well, almost! BONNE FETE PAPA
Well, I have not had much time in recent weeks to post again, but as always between work, classes, baby, dog, husband, family , the car, locks, laundry, ...
Finally, you see what I mean, we're all here. Always
is it that for now the courses are finished, the "truce Summer. "I always work and the rest but no classes to prepare.
recovery? in September, and the program is loaded: 5 sessions in one month to finish in late September with the QCM and then 15 days after writing the following week the great and simulating oral appointment.
Suffice to say that in fact, been used to revise, and the subject is vast inheritance, marriage, cohabitation, civil partnerships, Divorce, Taxation, parentage.
With a little planning you can! This is my program:
- first read during the past and take stock on the topics déliquats "
- deepen these subjects déliquats
- exercises liquidation of marital
- exercises estate liquidations
I'm on vacation in a week. A week in the Dordogne, which will allow me to recharge my batteries before a July study still in charge, inter-cut revisions intensive!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Who Should Ear A Girdle
I did not choose to breastfeed simple spirit of contraction or provocation of course. I'm rather proud to give my daughter the best, here are the recommendations of WHO
" Q: Until what age the nutritional needs of infants are they covered by breastfeeding?
A: The infant feeding within must be exclusive, that is to say, no other food intake than breast milk until the age of six months for the child has a growth, development and optimum health.
"Breastfeeding within the exclusive "is defined by the fact that one does not give the child only breast milk and no other food or drink, not even water.
However, one can administer drops or syrups (vitamins, minerals or medicines). Breast milk is the ideal food for growth and development of infants.
Breastfeeding is an integral part of reproductive and has important implications for the health of the mother.
WHO recommends the introduction of other foods, in addition to breast milk, from the age of six months (180 days). These foods will be given two to three times per day between 6 and 8 months, increasing three times daily between 9 and 11 months with a nutritious snack. Between 12 and 24 months, children are given three meals and two nutritious snacks offered between meals. These foods should be adequate, meaning that they provide enough calories, protein and micronutrients to meet the nutritional needs of a growing child. Food must be prepared and given in good sanitary conditions for minimizing the risk of contamination. To feed a child, it requires active care and stimulation to encourage eating.
The transition from breastfeeding within the exclusive use of family foods is a very delicate phase for the infant. During this period, many children suffer from poor nutrition and are an important part of the prevalence of malnutrition in children under 5 years worldwide. It is therefore crucial that infants complementary foods safe, adequate and sufficient for the transition between breastfeeding and consumption of family foods is going well. "
Free Animated Gifs With Audio For Cell Phones
4 months now
4 months now and every cell for the occasion, like every month you'll say, visits to the pediatrician! With Dad again, since bad mother I am, I prefer to work rather than take my daughter to make his shots ...
Finally, do not insist, I'll have social services on the back ...
Appraisal: 6.060 kg, 60.5 and 40.5 cm head circumference.
The 2 vaccines were hard to bear, Christian took 10 minutes to calm Celeste poor little flea! And mom was not there to offer a lil shot in ... Bad mother, bad mother! Promised the next visit, I asked a day off! And finally
balance "nutritional" Within only.
Board pediatrician: the diversification may begin !
Yeah! Hurray! I jumped for joy! IT TOO LATE FOR ME TO AFFORD SMALL POTS! AH! I'm so happy!
No, but you have a good look? 4 months and I'll start diversification??
No but it's not going well!
It seems that we should not "miss the boat!? If she is watching us eat she wants to eat like us??
Should I conclude that if I persist with breastfeeding my daughter'll never eat with a spoon? Ooh! Ca craind! It is true that from 15/16 years it could be messy ... hummm I take the risk, hihihi.
I just started to tell me that I may be extended for a few months of exclusive breastfeeding.
(mere spirit of contradiction and provocation, for those who know me badly)
4 months now and every cell for the occasion, like every month you'll say, visits to the pediatrician! With Dad again, since bad mother I am, I prefer to work rather than take my daughter to make his shots ...
Finally, do not insist, I'll have social services on the back ...
Appraisal: 6.060 kg, 60.5 and 40.5 cm head circumference.
The 2 vaccines were hard to bear, Christian took 10 minutes to calm Celeste poor little flea! And mom was not there to offer a lil shot in ... Bad mother, bad mother! Promised the next visit, I asked a day off! And finally
balance "nutritional" Within only.
Board pediatrician: the diversification may begin !
Yeah! Hurray! I jumped for joy! IT TOO LATE FOR ME TO AFFORD SMALL POTS! AH! I'm so happy!
No, but you have a good look? 4 months and I'll start diversification??
No but it's not going well!
It seems that we should not "miss the boat!? If she is watching us eat she wants to eat like us??
Should I conclude that if I persist with breastfeeding my daughter'll never eat with a spoon? Ooh! Ca craind! It is true that from 15/16 years it could be messy ... hummm I take the risk, hihihi.
I just started to tell me that I may be extended for a few months of exclusive breastfeeding.
(mere spirit of contradiction and provocation, for those who know me badly)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Women Size Issue In America
June 2008
Thursday, June 5 - THE BEES
The Bees, the duo's most coveted moment in cover upon the last NME, courted by Negro Pascal Bernard Lenoir and P. Diddy. Actually no, they're just two friends, unknown to the general public, and many more besides. The Bees go Afrobeat music, jazz & old school hip-hop, soul, funk and a few nuggets of French rap if necessary.
[hip hop & grooves]
Friday, June 6 - ELECTRIC
Electrocution is the residence of John Jastszebski to Cheri (e). Dj and producer, he plays minimal house and techno, but always deep dancing. His name is cool but his beats are hot tonight with Mancini and Surmelin Crew.
[minimal house]
Saturday, June 7 - LOSING CONTROL
DJ Hobbs, a member of the Guys With Glasses Crew returns you to lose control of a time at night Cheri (e). Rock, Pop, House, Techno, Hip Hop .. there will be no borders. An eclectic set that is always good when it's done.
[tutti frutti]
Thursday, June 12 - JUNIOR KASTOR
They will stop at no contradiction will play everything and anything what. Led by their father at all Funky Diego, tightrope walker in the mix in suspension, they are young and adventurous and practice the art of musical cascade without restraint.
[tutti frutti]
Friday, June 13 - I HAVE MY MODESTY
Daniel will be behind the decks tonight, you know obviously, is that if you're miro or you do not go very often here. As he likes to repeat, he has his modesty, then it can still quickly overflow. Anyway, we Daniel will spend his last shots heart house, minimal, electro and techno, and it goes well waddle.
[house / electro ]
Saturday, June 14 - KISS THE GIRL
In the latest edition of their residence, Kiss the Girl (aka Celine and Violaine from Tsugi magazine) let go of the pen to the turntables and invite their friends and Llor Roukine's blog nyctalopic. Program selection electro pop rave "open minded" New Order through the presets Fortune, Digitalism, Calvin Harris, or The Teenagers!
[electro pop & more]
Thursday, June 19 - STARCHILD
Hughes, our dad is a bit of crackling funk vinyl first pressing, import jap 'disco that you can not pay you on Ebay is a fine collection of funk records, soul, disco, jazz funk, in short, everything that black music has made better. And it is for your ears, so you can tell him thank you.
Friday, June 20 - THE BEATS RROLL
once again and Sam with his monthly appointment Rrroll the beats funky. Hip-hop, funk, brazil or soulful, so that's not definitive music you will hear. Sometimes joined by a guest, Sam is the guy you pass good records, you nod, move your head, you start cool, and you end up at 2am outside the lip and a smile to (e) darling (e) the arm without knowing how it happened. Roll it up.
[Grooves ]
Saturday, June 21 - WARM-UP + Ekler'o'shock COCORICO
20h. Buzz EKLER, founder of the label Ekler'o'shock, will begin the festivities with a mix of 60s big difference tomorrow. A sort of mini Punk Drunk Love to drink.
22h. Grosse teuf with outside decks for the feast of music, and as is the ninth and final Cocorico, Gigoton invites sonchouchou, Erwann Prostiputes of which has already heated Cheri (e) two times. We will dance to music to fashion, uttering cries of cock! Dress code: farmyard.
[electro / booty / house]
Thursday, June 26 - tumbling OF Calbut '
They are surfing on the Milky Way beat. They wet all their pores to make you happy. They get excited to make you dance. Who are they? We do not know, but what we do not care as long as the Calbut 'will tumble.
Friday, June 27 - THE TERRIBLE AMAR
He is back among us and to celebrate, it starts at 19h aperitif accompanied by Amar the Terrible. Resident in Darling for several years, Amar knows the secret formula to move everyone. His sets draw funky hip-hop, jazz-funk, disco, rock and electro, to our delight.
Saturday, June 28 - PASSION
Bon ben here, Passion is Peninzias krew Jackal and luxury, if you know it is high time to get used to the friend (s) because it is a musical fountain of youth this evening. Electro, new wave, electro rock, pop, say it is a very good night indie dance if you want to make it to the English.
[tutti frutti]
Programming Contact: Matthew / Ekler'o'shock -
Design by Amelia Lengrand.
June 2008
Thursday, June 5 - THE BEES
The Bees, the duo's most coveted moment in cover upon the last NME, courted by Negro Pascal Bernard Lenoir and P. Diddy. Actually no, they're just two friends, unknown to the general public, and many more besides. The Bees go Afrobeat music, jazz & old school hip-hop, soul, funk and a few nuggets of French rap if necessary.
[hip hop & grooves]
Friday, June 6 - ELECTRIC
Electrocution is the residence of John Jastszebski to Cheri (e). Dj and producer, he plays minimal house and techno, but always deep dancing. His name is cool but his beats are hot tonight with Mancini and Surmelin Crew.
[minimal house]
Saturday, June 7 - LOSING CONTROL
DJ Hobbs, a member of the Guys With Glasses Crew returns you to lose control of a time at night Cheri (e). Rock, Pop, House, Techno, Hip Hop .. there will be no borders. An eclectic set that is always good when it's done.
[tutti frutti]
Thursday, June 12 - JUNIOR KASTOR
They will stop at no contradiction will play everything and anything what. Led by their father at all Funky Diego, tightrope walker in the mix in suspension, they are young and adventurous and practice the art of musical cascade without restraint.
[tutti frutti]
Friday, June 13 - I HAVE MY MODESTY
Daniel will be behind the decks tonight, you know obviously, is that if you're miro or you do not go very often here. As he likes to repeat, he has his modesty, then it can still quickly overflow. Anyway, we Daniel will spend his last shots heart house, minimal, electro and techno, and it goes well waddle.
[house / electro ]
Saturday, June 14 - KISS THE GIRL
In the latest edition of their residence, Kiss the Girl (aka Celine and Violaine from Tsugi magazine) let go of the pen to the turntables and invite their friends and Llor Roukine's blog nyctalopic. Program selection electro pop rave "open minded" New Order through the presets Fortune, Digitalism, Calvin Harris, or The Teenagers!
[electro pop & more]
Thursday, June 19 - STARCHILD
Hughes, our dad is a bit of crackling funk vinyl first pressing, import jap 'disco that you can not pay you on Ebay is a fine collection of funk records, soul, disco, jazz funk, in short, everything that black music has made better. And it is for your ears, so you can tell him thank you.
Friday, June 20 - THE BEATS RROLL
once again and Sam with his monthly appointment Rrroll the beats funky. Hip-hop, funk, brazil or soulful, so that's not definitive music you will hear. Sometimes joined by a guest, Sam is the guy you pass good records, you nod, move your head, you start cool, and you end up at 2am outside the lip and a smile to (e) darling (e) the arm without knowing how it happened. Roll it up.
[Grooves ]
Saturday, June 21 - WARM-UP + Ekler'o'shock COCORICO
20h. Buzz EKLER, founder of the label Ekler'o'shock, will begin the festivities with a mix of 60s big difference tomorrow. A sort of mini Punk Drunk Love to drink.
22h. Grosse teuf with outside decks for the feast of music, and as is the ninth and final Cocorico, Gigoton invites sonchouchou, Erwann Prostiputes of which has already heated Cheri (e) two times. We will dance to music to fashion, uttering cries of cock! Dress code: farmyard.
[electro / booty / house]
Thursday, June 26 - tumbling OF Calbut '
They are surfing on the Milky Way beat. They wet all their pores to make you happy. They get excited to make you dance. Who are they? We do not know, but what we do not care as long as the Calbut 'will tumble.
Friday, June 27 - THE TERRIBLE AMAR
He is back among us and to celebrate, it starts at 19h aperitif accompanied by Amar the Terrible. Resident in Darling for several years, Amar knows the secret formula to move everyone. His sets draw funky hip-hop, jazz-funk, disco, rock and electro, to our delight.
Saturday, June 28 - PASSION
Bon ben here, Passion is Peninzias krew Jackal and luxury, if you know it is high time to get used to the friend (s) because it is a musical fountain of youth this evening. Electro, new wave, electro rock, pop, say it is a very good night indie dance if you want to make it to the English.
[tutti frutti]
Programming Contact: Matthew / Ekler'o'shock -
Design by Amelia Lengrand.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Aphrodite Acrostiv Poem
Like ...
What I like most at the moment:
- the bath is so cool now I make more waves;
- that I changed my diaper and especially having the buttocks in the air, the smile insured
- my stuffed animals, and Gamum Mr. Bonhomme, that make me a kiss to I say it is time to sleep;
- milk mom biensure;
- kisses in the neck (or mom who loves it as that ...!?)
- Mom makes me dance "shake, shake, shake" is too funny, it gives me the hiccups.
What I like most at the moment:
- the bath is so cool now I make more waves;
- that I changed my diaper and especially having the buttocks in the air, the smile insured
- my stuffed animals, and Gamum Mr. Bonhomme, that make me a kiss to I say it is time to sleep;
- milk mom biensure;
- kisses in the neck (or mom who loves it as that ...!?)
- Mom makes me dance "shake, shake, shake" is too funny, it gives me the hiccups.
Dove Posso Scaricare Dragon Ball Z?
I grow ...
My nights are getting longer now also arrive at 12pm to sleep on, mother is often forced to wake up in the morning from work!
past 3 weeks, I discovered that I can make noises with my mouth, I can also change the intensity. But since some days I turn it up but I do not control! So I push
cries when I'm happy or ... when I'm not happy when I laugh or cry when I, and also ... when I'm hungry. That
, early mom and dad to hear me laughing a lot but after a whole day where I am well trained, they laugh a lot less! It's not my fault, I have not yet mastered.
The last weekend, I also showed mom that I do not like being on the belly, so ... I turn on the back is much better!
Here I am being flip:
cries when I'm happy or ... when I'm not happy when I laugh or cry when I, and also ... when I'm hungry. That
, early mom and dad to hear me laughing a lot but after a whole day where I am well trained, they laugh a lot less! It's not my fault, I have not yet mastered.
The last weekend, I also showed mom that I do not like being on the belly, so ... I turn on the back is much better!
Here I am being flip:
I arrive perfectly put my comforters in my mouth and my hands or even T-shirts Mom, the straps of my cozy, my bib, ... My teeth working for some time, they are nearby!

My nights are getting longer now also arrive at 12pm to sleep on, mother is often forced to wake up in the morning from work!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Cockroach Poop (images)
Because we're proud to Le Havre ... ?
This is a message that I receive and that seems to rage around me (I received it 2 times today) and then I have to say that Le Havre, despite its follies and Rufenacht, we are proud of anyway ...
thousand and one reasons that distinguish them from other Le Havre:
>> - Sometimes you say 'oh bah soon' and 'peuurt', but you try to lose that habit!
>> - In the month of April you take sunburn because it is finally more than 10 ° C
>> - Do you often go to the beach ... with a sweater and a coat!
>> - You have already purchased the fags Weekend
>> - You know where the Rue de la Soif
>> - You have seen the birth Space Coty!
>> - Have you ever spent a Sunday after noon at B & B
>> - You know the Century, but there you are (almost) never went
>> - You know by heart the seven rooms of the UGC
>> - You're used to the sound of seagulls
>> - On your beach no sand bcp so you became a pro at walking barefoot on the rollers!
> - Your image of 'sensitive areas' is Caucri or Mt Gaillard
>> - We finally talked about your town ... in Beuze and Disco ...
>> - Still, if you want you can go by boat to Brigthon
>> - If the sea is at 22 ° C alright with you more than well
>> - Sometimes, giants invade your town and plant knives on buses.
> - You can feel proud to have two Volcanoes in your city, although some call them pots of yogurt (not included!)
>> - With you we also say: 'you're beating' 'It costs nothing! " 'A-ti you sweetie! "
>> - But most people say, 'arch'!
>> - When you say that, despite everything, Le Havre is nice, it looks at you like you're crazy.
>> - You wait more than a year an appointment with the optometrist ...
>>-Would you like to become a longshoreman for the quiet life (and pay exorbitant), but unfortunately you know that nobody becomes a docker from father to son>> - you know Santa's address people over under that you
>> - you knew the Gaumont Boulevard de Strasbourg!
>> - You always go out with an umbrella in your bag ... even in summer!
>> - When you say 'I was at the end of the world', people look at you strangely!
>> - For you 'Porto' means a school and not a city!
>> - You know that 'Mickey ears' is not an unknown film from Walt Disney, but two big cameras that were on top of cliffs facing the hydro
>> - As a child, you made you rot in your mother returning home from the beach because you had still sitting on the pebbles decorated with oil Gross! ''re Pénib rin' dai '! "
>> - On days when the wind comes from the east, the total refinery smells remind you why 'you will not come here by accident'
>> - You can resell the water basin of the games beach as the Iraqi biological weapon
>> - the only city where we gave a name as president of the republic to a mall
>> - ... when you're done down the nice-Le Havre and street rollerblading cochet
>> - when you know the Spit is not a restaurant
>> - You Roxer 'The Age' and 'WAB' and that in thee the evenings were the top!> Is not it ..... : P
>> - When you give away (and always) in front of the auditorium RV, vibrato, the little harbor, or lemonade while these places have long been taught to change
>> - when you're hungry at 3 o'clock LS 'You know there is always one of the 3000 Du Kebab Court of the Republic who is> open!
>> - when you go sunbathing at the Petite Rade instead of going to class!
>> - When you say: 'I went across the water' and you're the only one to understand that you're not going to Honfleur and Dover or Brighton Le Havre with ... time is necessarily attached to it!
>> - when you got to integrate the word 'Darasse has your vocabulary!
>> - When you were little, there was a huge pile of pebbles on the beach ... since then he has disappeared ...!
>> - you think of the beach when you were little and you were going get your tray of fried sausages and croustillons at Victor.
>> - When you have already made the journey to the forest of CRAP Montgeon!
>> - You, you know that the HAC and the STB are not mst> and the Transat Jacques Vabre is not a race between packets of coffee
:-)>> - Everyone is crazy but you you are super proud to say that the CDT is the doyen of French football club!
>> - when your memories of downtown before the opening of the center have gone up in smoke coty
>> - when the phrase 'nothing is good' does not shock you
>> - If you knew the Santa Claus, which offered little jesus candy before the monop Avenue René Coty
>> - When you are told that the harbor is ugly, you say: 'But what am ce'tu qu'ça cares! "
This is a message that I receive and that seems to rage around me (I received it 2 times today) and then I have to say that Le Havre, despite its follies and Rufenacht, we are proud of anyway ...
thousand and one reasons that distinguish them from other Le Havre:
>> - Sometimes you say 'oh bah soon' and 'peuurt', but you try to lose that habit!
>> - In the month of April you take sunburn because it is finally more than 10 ° C
>> - Do you often go to the beach ... with a sweater and a coat!
>> - You have already purchased the fags Weekend
>> - You know where the Rue de la Soif
>> - You have seen the birth Space Coty!
>> - Have you ever spent a Sunday after noon at B & B
>> - You know the Century, but there you are (almost) never went
>> - You know by heart the seven rooms of the UGC
>> - You're used to the sound of seagulls
>> - On your beach no sand bcp so you became a pro at walking barefoot on the rollers!
> - Your image of 'sensitive areas' is Caucri or Mt Gaillard
>> - We finally talked about your town ... in Beuze and Disco ...
>> - Still, if you want you can go by boat to Brigthon
>> - If the sea is at 22 ° C alright with you more than well
>> - Sometimes, giants invade your town and plant knives on buses.
> - You can feel proud to have two Volcanoes in your city, although some call them pots of yogurt (not included!)
>> - With you we also say: 'you're beating' 'It costs nothing! " 'A-ti you sweetie! "
>> - But most people say, 'arch'!
>> - When you say that, despite everything, Le Havre is nice, it looks at you like you're crazy.
>> - You wait more than a year an appointment with the optometrist ...
>>-Would you like to become a longshoreman for the quiet life (and pay exorbitant), but unfortunately you know that nobody becomes a docker from father to son>> - you know Santa's address people over under that you
>> - you knew the Gaumont Boulevard de Strasbourg!
>> - You always go out with an umbrella in your bag ... even in summer!
>> - When you say 'I was at the end of the world', people look at you strangely!
>> - For you 'Porto' means a school and not a city!
>> - You know that 'Mickey ears' is not an unknown film from Walt Disney, but two big cameras that were on top of cliffs facing the hydro
>> - As a child, you made you rot in your mother returning home from the beach because you had still sitting on the pebbles decorated with oil Gross! ''re Pénib rin' dai '! "
>> - On days when the wind comes from the east, the total refinery smells remind you why 'you will not come here by accident'
>> - You can resell the water basin of the games beach as the Iraqi biological weapon
>> - the only city where we gave a name as president of the republic to a mall
>> - ... when you're done down the nice-Le Havre and street rollerblading cochet
>> - when you know the Spit is not a restaurant
>> - You Roxer 'The Age' and 'WAB' and that in thee the evenings were the top!> Is not it ..... : P
>> - When you give away (and always) in front of the auditorium RV, vibrato, the little harbor, or lemonade while these places have long been taught to change
>> - when you're hungry at 3 o'clock LS 'You know there is always one of the 3000 Du Kebab Court of the Republic who is> open!
>> - when you go sunbathing at the Petite Rade instead of going to class!
>> - When you say: 'I went across the water' and you're the only one to understand that you're not going to Honfleur and Dover or Brighton Le Havre with ... time is necessarily attached to it!
>> - when you got to integrate the word 'Darasse has your vocabulary!
>> - When you were little, there was a huge pile of pebbles on the beach ... since then he has disappeared ...!
>> - you think of the beach when you were little and you were going get your tray of fried sausages and croustillons at Victor.
>> - When you have already made the journey to the forest of CRAP Montgeon!
>> - You, you know that the HAC and the STB are not mst> and the Transat Jacques Vabre is not a race between packets of coffee
:-)>> - Everyone is crazy but you you are super proud to say that the CDT is the doyen of French football club!
>> - when your memories of downtown before the opening of the center have gone up in smoke coty
>> - when the phrase 'nothing is good' does not shock you
>> - If you knew the Santa Claus, which offered little jesus candy before the monop Avenue René Coty
>> - When you are told that the harbor is ugly, you say: 'But what am ce'tu qu'ça cares! "
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Can You Take Melatonin With Depakote
In weekend with Mom and Dad, I want it!
Thursday morning, we had fun with Mom. We played on the activity mat.

As I kept eating my dress and my hands, Mom gave me a funny band. I told her nothing to not upset but he was a little big for me and a bit cumbersome ...
And then when dad woke up he taught me to type, I have observed and soon I'll do the same.

Purple Spot On Inner Thigh Itches
Discovering ... In my bed
Right now Mom is not working, I remain so longer in my bed in the morning. Also, since 3 days I started to walk around my bed. It's been 2 months since I sleep in and I realized I did not yet know all the nooks and crannies. It is never too late to do I thought it was the right time.
I first found out where were these strange lights dancing above my bed and make music. I have not yet discovered how to operate it myself, Mom surprised me because of the noise I made in typing up the bed, but it will be the subject of a future expedition.
And then I discovered a new way to enjoy my curtains. I love my curtains when I'm on the changing table I smiled at them and talk to them, what they make me laugh! Well now I can put myself in front of them even in my bed! What happiness!
Ok, without my sleeping bag (it's hot, so mom said we would do without for now) and the lambskin is easier (as is very soft it slips). But you still have to get that I shake my legs! And for that I train in my bath and when mom changes me. I have thighs concrete now.
Right now Mom is not working, I remain so longer in my bed in the morning. Also, since 3 days I started to walk around my bed. It's been 2 months since I sleep in and I realized I did not yet know all the nooks and crannies. It is never too late to do I thought it was the right time.
I first found out where were these strange lights dancing above my bed and make music. I have not yet discovered how to operate it myself, Mom surprised me because of the noise I made in typing up the bed, but it will be the subject of a future expedition.

And then I discovered a new way to enjoy my curtains. I love my curtains when I'm on the changing table I smiled at them and talk to them, what they make me laugh! Well now I can put myself in front of them even in my bed! What happiness!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
La Fitness Sales Counselor
weekend! The pediatrician
Today is Wednesday evening and I am a weekend! Until next Tuesday!
You too? So cool! And others, well good luck to you, eh!
whole 5 days with my darling, I been waiting for ... 3 weeks, that is to say, my back!
And yes, just as I wait already taken the holidays, it is not that what it used to work? To be on vacation?
And icing on the cake, Christian is also at rest.
I will not taunt more people who will work Friday (and I know some of them, hehehe), but rather wish you a happy May 8
take advantage of this, it was still ...
Today is Wednesday evening and I am a weekend! Until next Tuesday!
You too? So cool! And others, well good luck to you, eh!
whole 5 days with my darling, I been waiting for ... 3 weeks, that is to say, my back!
And yes, just as I wait already taken the holidays, it is not that what it used to work? To be on vacation?
And icing on the cake, Christian is also at rest.
I will not taunt more people who will work Friday (and I know some of them, hehehe), but rather wish you a happy May 8
take advantage of this, it was still ...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Why Does Throat Hurt At Night
This morning, the 3rd month visit to the pediatrician that I unfortunately could not attend. Christian therefore take our little darling for its vaccines, weight and balance of the month.
result, I anxoissée all morning about whether she supported vaccines, if she had not cried too much, ... Mom was not there for the feeding of comfort and yet as the last time she was very courageous. A hug from Dad, and everything is back to normal!
For growth, as we suspected, it has grown since the last visit:
5.260 g and 59.5 cm
is 1 kg and 4 cm!
No wonder the 3months starting to be fair ...
Side mom, I had the right to renew my prescription breast pump. Good for one month only, should not abuse (gggrrrrrr is painful ...).
Having found that growth was good and so that breastfeeding is going well, he did say that the jars were in the program for the coming weeks!
Oh yes! Because the issue arose?? Hallucinating!
It has 3 months biensure we will not give him jars immediately. Christian did not fail to remind him that I was breastfeeding exclusively until 6 months and I probably will continue after the diversification! Thank you!
Finally, as each visit, he did not fail to wonder about cloth diapers. This time he made inquiries about the number of layers to predict.
Super! Would you make a new fan? (He has a son aged 4 months)
Next visit in at least four weeks for the next vaccine, a new record and then, maybe Celeste has the right to go swimming ...
Monday, May 5, 2008
What Tops To Wear With Knee Length Skirts
3 months ...
3 months with our little love heart!
You will note that our chip is already ecological activist (if not the rest, like any family, who will soon enough I think, some will understand me ...) . After
3 months with our little love heart!
You ever so changed ...
We love you very much my love!

You will note that our chip is already ecological activist (if not the rest, like any family, who will soon enough I think, some will understand me ...) .
cloth diapers, organic cotton dresses miss (thank you to lend your pajamas Cecilia Celeste).
This is just the beginning ...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
David's Bridal99 Dollar Sale

Celeste, born February 5, 2008 at 15:20, so it is Aquarius (as his grandfather) Cancer ascendant, and that's what happens :
Born between January 20 and February 19
Element: the AirPlanète Uranus
fixed air sign
• male •
fixed air sign
• male •
• •
hot planet: Uranus
• color: burgundy
hot planet: Uranus
• color: burgundy
• polar opposite: Leo
• its gray gray: A swallow, poplar, fern, uranium, blue color green, crystal, vetiver.
• Stones: Turquoise Sapphire
The Aquarius symbolizes originality, invention, novelty, progress, intuition, revolution, destruction, reforms.
Baby Aquarius:
Half angel half demon, he conquers all hearts with her wide eyes, but does as he pleases. He is always looking for new ideas, new places, and do not mind trotting at full speed in all directions. You will need to monitor it constantly, but quietly! A little shy and awkward, but proud and arrogant, he does not like advice or feel smothered by maternal love.
His character:
Babies Aquarians are beings from elsewhere ... Tripping over our world, they always one step ahead . That is their genius any scientist who wants it. You'll have to redouble their imagination to find meaningful activities for their originality!
Always listen to others ready to serve, small Aquarius considers friendship as the greatest of feelings. But along with altruism, it is also very lonely. The slightest stress would be independent for this great an obstacle to freedom. It may oppose your authority very quickly!
Always listen to others ready to serve, small Aquarius considers friendship as the greatest of feelings. But along with altruism, it is also very lonely. The slightest stress would be independent for this great an obstacle to freedom. It may oppose your authority very quickly!
From a versatile character with the spirit of contradiction, children Aquarians are often surprising to those around them. These are very large nerve that need quiet around them for ease.
At School:
Just outside the "mold" your child will take his place in the school system, thanks to his ingenuity. Cerebral signs, they understand vite.Son profile affectifPudiques, babies Aquarians often express feelings less strong than they really feel.
Tips for parents of a baby Aquarius:
Your child has a constant need to be stimulated by new developments. It also has much more needs to be surrounded it cares to admit!
Ascendant Cancer:
With such ancestry, behavior reveals that in the eyes of others, you are emotional, sentimental, peaceful, imaginative, sensitive, faithful, resistant, protective, vulnerable, generous, romantic, tender, poet, motherly or fatherly, dreamy, indolent, greedy, devoted but you can also timorous, unrealistic, evasive, passive, anxious, dependent, stubborn, lunatic, backward-looking, lazy, burdensome, homebody or inaccessible.
Well, well, it promises ... is not it?
Gateway Mouse Driver Moakuo
May 2008
The Bees, the duo's most coveted moment in cover upon the last NME, courted by Pascal Negro and Arthur . Actually no, they're just two friends, unknown to the general public, and many more besides. The Bees go Afrobeat music, jazz & old school hip-hop, soul, funk and a few nuggets of French rap if necessary.
[hip hop & grooves]
Friday, May 2 - ELECTRIC
Electrocution is the residence of John Jastszebski to Cheri (e). Dj / producer He plays minimal house and techno, but always deep dancing. His name is cool but his beats are hot tonight with Mancini.
[minimal house]
Saturday, May 3 - LOSING CONTROL
DJ Hobbs, a member of the Guys With Glasses Crew returns you to lose control of a time at night Cheri (e). Rock, Pop, House, Techno, Hip Hop .. there will be no borders. An eclectic set that is always good when it's done.
[tutti frutti]
Thursday, May 8 - JUNIOR KASTOR
They will stop at no contradiction will play everything and anything. Led by their father at all Funky Diego tightrope walker in the mix in suspension, they are young and adventurous and practice the art of musical cascade without restraint.
[tutti frutti]
Friday, May 9 - THE BEATS RROLL
once again and Sam with his monthly appointment Rrroll the beats funky. Hip-hop, funk, brazil or soulful, so that's not definitive music you will hear. Sometimes joined by a guest, Sam is the guy you pass good records, you nod, move your head, you start cool, and you end up at 2am outside the lip and a smile to (e) darling (e) the arm without knowing what has happened. Roll it up.
Saturday, May 10 - GOGODADA
Dj Arc de Triomphe, this bizarre musical fanatic & explorer crazy music of all countries, arrived at Cheri (e). So a world tour super frenzied dancing & exotic variety that is offered. The slogan of this mix: music from all eras, all countries, good or bad taste.
[freak beats world]
Thursday, May 15 - STARCHILD
Hughes, our dad is a bit of crackling funk vinyl first pressing, import jap 'disco that you can not pay you on Ebay it's a great record collection funk, soul, disco, jazz funk, in short, everything the black music was better. And it is for your ears, so you can tell him thank you.
Friday, May 16 - DATE
Tonight we pushed the tables, with joy and seriousness, with violence and musicality, to redo a dance floor before the DJ label date. Electro, minimal, electro disco and new wave will be at the rendezvous. Fade To Grey!
Saturday, May 17 - French cancan COCORICO
touch tonight with Djettes sets irresistible for dancing and shouting cock. On the decks: the resident and guest Gigoton Celine, from Technorama. Dress code: neon is dead, go the blues!
[Electro / booty / house]
Thursday, May 22 - tumbling OF Calbut '
They are surfing on the Milky Way beat. They wet all their pores to make you happy. They get excited to make you dance. Who are they? We do not know, but what we do not care as long as the Calbut 'will tumble.
Friday, May 23 - ZALTAN & TOPSECRET
Zaltan & Top Secret, is what can happen to you better in Belleville on Friday night. Their mixes contain everything you love into electro and disco: bass music, italo, cosmic disco, new wave & cold. That these words you speak or not, know what they are doing is really cool & crack.
[electro / disco / house]
Saturday, May 24 - PASSION
Bon ben here, Passion is Peninzias krew Jackal and luxury, if you know it is high time to get used to a friend (e) because it is a musical fountain of youth this evening. Electro, new wave, electro rock, pop, say it is a very good night indie dance if you want to make it to the English.
[tutti frutti]
Thursday, May 29 - CHOCOLATE_FELIX!
Amateur Herbie Hancock Chocolate_Felix first turned to the latest electronic music before being overtaken by his love of jazz. So, broken labels and modern Latin complement his playlist. An eclectic spirit as much as possible, or Sly Stone cotoie Carl Craig, Maurizio and Peanut Butter Wolf.
[broken grooves]
Friday, May 30 - ROLAX
Kuriousoranj going hard tonight, the family Rolax you see. Rolax and is a label of nice people who make crazy music, and with whom we share lots of similarities. Belleville, love of electro and machinery, a taste for funk and twisted 8bit assaults, and taste well-packed musical tuning. Hop track.
Saturday, May 31 - SURPRISE PARTY!
Programming Contact: Matthew / Ekler'o'shock -
Lengrand Design by Amelia.
May 2008
The Bees, the duo's most coveted moment in cover upon the last NME, courted by Pascal Negro and Arthur . Actually no, they're just two friends, unknown to the general public, and many more besides. The Bees go Afrobeat music, jazz & old school hip-hop, soul, funk and a few nuggets of French rap if necessary.
[hip hop & grooves]
Friday, May 2 - ELECTRIC
Electrocution is the residence of John Jastszebski to Cheri (e). Dj / producer He plays minimal house and techno, but always deep dancing. His name is cool but his beats are hot tonight with Mancini.
[minimal house]
Saturday, May 3 - LOSING CONTROL
DJ Hobbs, a member of the Guys With Glasses Crew returns you to lose control of a time at night Cheri (e). Rock, Pop, House, Techno, Hip Hop .. there will be no borders. An eclectic set that is always good when it's done.
[tutti frutti]
Thursday, May 8 - JUNIOR KASTOR
They will stop at no contradiction will play everything and anything. Led by their father at all Funky Diego tightrope walker in the mix in suspension, they are young and adventurous and practice the art of musical cascade without restraint.
[tutti frutti]
Friday, May 9 - THE BEATS RROLL
once again and Sam with his monthly appointment Rrroll the beats funky. Hip-hop, funk, brazil or soulful, so that's not definitive music you will hear. Sometimes joined by a guest, Sam is the guy you pass good records, you nod, move your head, you start cool, and you end up at 2am outside the lip and a smile to (e) darling (e) the arm without knowing what has happened. Roll it up.
Saturday, May 10 - GOGODADA
Dj Arc de Triomphe, this bizarre musical fanatic & explorer crazy music of all countries, arrived at Cheri (e). So a world tour super frenzied dancing & exotic variety that is offered. The slogan of this mix: music from all eras, all countries, good or bad taste.
[freak beats world]
Thursday, May 15 - STARCHILD
Hughes, our dad is a bit of crackling funk vinyl first pressing, import jap 'disco that you can not pay you on Ebay it's a great record collection funk, soul, disco, jazz funk, in short, everything the black music was better. And it is for your ears, so you can tell him thank you.
Friday, May 16 - DATE
Tonight we pushed the tables, with joy and seriousness, with violence and musicality, to redo a dance floor before the DJ label date. Electro, minimal, electro disco and new wave will be at the rendezvous. Fade To Grey!
Saturday, May 17 - French cancan COCORICO
touch tonight with Djettes sets irresistible for dancing and shouting cock. On the decks: the resident and guest Gigoton Celine, from Technorama. Dress code: neon is dead, go the blues!
[Electro / booty / house]
Thursday, May 22 - tumbling OF Calbut '
They are surfing on the Milky Way beat. They wet all their pores to make you happy. They get excited to make you dance. Who are they? We do not know, but what we do not care as long as the Calbut 'will tumble.
Friday, May 23 - ZALTAN & TOPSECRET
Zaltan & Top Secret, is what can happen to you better in Belleville on Friday night. Their mixes contain everything you love into electro and disco: bass music, italo, cosmic disco, new wave & cold. That these words you speak or not, know what they are doing is really cool & crack.
[electro / disco / house]
Saturday, May 24 - PASSION
Bon ben here, Passion is Peninzias krew Jackal and luxury, if you know it is high time to get used to a friend (e) because it is a musical fountain of youth this evening. Electro, new wave, electro rock, pop, say it is a very good night indie dance if you want to make it to the English.
[tutti frutti]
Thursday, May 29 - CHOCOLATE_FELIX!
Amateur Herbie Hancock Chocolate_Felix first turned to the latest electronic music before being overtaken by his love of jazz. So, broken labels and modern Latin complement his playlist. An eclectic spirit as much as possible, or Sly Stone cotoie Carl Craig, Maurizio and Peanut Butter Wolf.
[broken grooves]
Friday, May 30 - ROLAX
Kuriousoranj going hard tonight, the family Rolax you see. Rolax and is a label of nice people who make crazy music, and with whom we share lots of similarities. Belleville, love of electro and machinery, a taste for funk and twisted 8bit assaults, and taste well-packed musical tuning. Hop track.
Saturday, May 31 - SURPRISE PARTY!
Programming Contact: Matthew / Ekler'o'shock -
Lengrand Design by Amelia.
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