Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Music Note Friendship Bracelet Instructions

Shadow of a Doubt ...

The euphoria that accompanied the "Big laundry" of March 2008 is largely dissipated
Reading the program of the victorious candidate, many of
Megevan were enticed by the menu ...

Half a warrant later, the least we can say
is that "it does not follow in the kitchen!
Promises hiring only those who receive them.

Memo signed here a few excerpts from the hand of the candidate
Sylviane Grosset-Janin:

"Since 2009, we propose to build, on average,
10 new homes permanent rental per year.
In partnership with private developers or public. "
"We will use the regulatory tools in case
accession property to maintain the destination
housing residences key.
"We will encourage youth autonomy
by offering specific housing ... etc.. ... Etc. .... ... ...
"For the optimization of existing infrastructure :
... modernization ski lifts obsolete
; (Lanchettes, Rochefort ...) ".

A whole series of commitments that leave us on our hunger.
soon midterm and strength to allow time to time ...
Megeve impatient and worried.

What have we seen?
The most spectacular is undoubtedly this massive game of Monopoly
10 million euros with real tickets ...

For what purpose?
Not the slightest warm bed for the Megevan
can stay in the country; addition of lifts
in some cases, dying. A SEM
that rust!
In the end, no break ground, nowhere ...

lot of ambitions for not much ...

parallel we observed a hyper-centralization of power
A council muzzled (deletion
oral questions at the end of the municipal council)
Assistants with no autonomy and relative utility
resigned as the deputy has not been replaced. ...
When the committees have the real lure.
Their recommendations were almost never followed up.

Our omniprésident (not less than 6 chairs) should
This would allow him to have a vision for Megeve.
Instead of having the nose to the grindstone
sure that nobody else knows

While the town with much smaller budgets
demonstrate hyperactivity.
With us nothing is happening!

The Olympics: We have been awarded the "City Dormitory".

The slaughterhouse: A mayor absent at the crucial meeting of September 29
in Cordon.

Revision PLU: a lot of energy for nothing. Cancellation

The MAD in Saint-Gervais

All this is accompanied by knee-jerk reactions and postures
ineffective. Why
our first aedile Does remove banners
"Annecy 2018" when she learns that Megeve is not retained as
Olympic site? Think
although this has not gone unnoticed
of the project leaders present at the conference of Mayors.
It is not clear that such a reception favors our upcoming grant applications
with the General Council.

As for decisions to repaint the parking Glapet
without the prior, having secured the leak. And repair of heating ramp
Perchet without first, repeat the water networks.
That speaks volumes about the degree of improvisation that reigns in this town ...

A mid-term almost everything remains to be done.

For those who feel concerned
spend half an hour a month to come and share
your concerns to your elected officials.
(just before each council).
not wait to take a bad season
aware of the problems.
You can find us on our website
"Megeve uncovered. Let
many push for
finally found momentum to our expectations

(text to appear in the next "Focus on Megève)


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