Today, we will only talk-gadgets boxes. Books dressed a box or with a CD-DVD products are (I hate that term!) cultural. As for smartbox, although sold in bookstores, they are not books, these are good purchases.
A year ago, ActuaLitté published an interesting article on the economy of the Book with a long passage on the boxes. We did not find it necessary to complete a draft that we drew on the same subject.
Same period, same effect, nothing has changed. The supply is abundant and our anger awakes.
Let us dwell on Culinary boxes and boxes sparing us pleasure (with the format dildo lipstick or handcuffs tasteful covered with fur), the kit knit at Michel Lafon (with a ball of wool to begin the sleeve of a sweater ) and its counterpart in knitting by Flammarion.

At this point, I think the disappointment of children who receive this kind of inappropriate gift, smile annoyed the grandmother wanted to please, the boy who wants to be a dancer ...
Enough sentimentality! Also spend on the boxes massage (with oil and pebbles), cabinets shampoo and body treatments (sponsored by big brands of cosmetics), spend, spend ... Forget
boxes for Dummies with guitars that push back music of generations bruised ears.
And we ask why this influx of boxes in bookstores?
All publishers step into the breach (Cambridge, Grunder, Tana, Threshold, SAEP, Marabout, Ouest-France, Flammarion, ESI ...), all boxes are alike, often designed and manufactured by agencies specialized external publishing houses.
This leads to a standardization in the diversity of choice.
Take the example of two boxes devoted to "recipes" of seafood, one in Gründ, the other in western France. The same clip crustaceans shaped crab leg served with 4 spades, scrapers.
And there are many more comparisons ...
While publications on sustainable development and the alarm messages on the accumulation of waste (treatment makes the economy but shhh, I digress ...) bloom in the rays, the editors feel exonerated, cleared. They clog boats, warehouses (not too), trucks, bookstores (many).
Who talked about ethics?
is a way to stifle competition: Butt, it overwhelms, it takes place. The casual reader will search the books behind, basically, the order eventually.
The bookseller can not help it. He is forced to follow if he wants to continue working with its suppliers without being penalized.
It also suffers a form of blackmail availability:
prints are limited (Say the "establishment" of departure is important, if not complete, to avoid a long and consumer storage space among suppliers) time to reprint (usually in China), route, and the holidays are past the bookstore could be missing sales.
For it must be lucid, the customer demands: the foil, the imposing of glitz. The book is not enough to himself. It's Christmas, damn it!
Whatever the place of manufacture, foreign trade, the customer is pleased with the gift ready. There are no more worries. Packed, it weighed.
But let us ask the question, what is most important in purchasing a casket?
The gadget or the book? The book, cultural alibi? Alibi or short?
is so little a book ...
See, for buying a box Cook'in twists, there is a book. A real book option.
Besides, who would pay for ...
Oh, sorry. I did not understand:
A manufactured, the instructions for use along with some recipes, all in an attractive package ... is not it? It is not possible, tell me I'm wrong?!
... Yes, I'm wrong! The proof: the book is often more expensive than the object that accompanies it. Object which, incidentally, does not always match the expectations of customers: I will not venture into the realm of quality components, but when she is at the appointment, it is often the quantity lacking.
The box would be a loss leader?
We approach the problem.
Take your calculators and lace up your glasses ...
We'll finish the most daunting part of this talk, it relates to the VAT and the price of readability.
Indeed, who knows when you buy this or that box is really buying it, the real value of the book and the subject?
In my opinion, the main issue which should be fighting for the smart consumer.
Why not establish a clear labeling detailing prices by category of VAT?
The book has a fixed price set by law with a VAT rate of 5.5%. It can however be offered.
The object, with its VAT rate of 19.6% may be given but can not be sold below its true value.

Consider the case Pastry: The workshop cakes Marabout, the 72-page book costs € 7.90, larger mussels are worth € 17. Value: 24.90 €
In contrast, the price of the box Chantilly Moss and Co. in Cambridge breaks down this way: the book is € 37.48, trap metal € 8.42. For a total price of € 45.90.
Gründ When talking about "materials available" on the back of one of its boxes, because there lies the supplier charges the retailer a dual VAT: 75% of VAT is attached to the book and 25% for utensils (VAT at 19.6%).
SAEP When selling boxes with a single VAT at 19.6%, is that the book is available.
But when that same publisher applies a VAT of 5.5% on the box Petits Fours are the punches that are given.
Why the difference? Their billing software is not configured it to decompose the price of an item based on a dual VAT?
Is this a way to balance accounting, split the two? Some items at 5.5%, other 19.6%. We are entitled to ask the question?
Anyway, and this is what we tried to demonstrate, there is a blur, a lack of clarity and readability that night to the client and all market participants.
To Conclude without bitterness before the ceasefire confectioners, let us focus on a real case that will delight fans:
The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of The Force.
sent Hooltra .
This box for presentation and protection of the book explains in part the price of the set: around $ 99.
- Sir -
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