Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cidco Noc For Resale Flat

Board Briefs October 25, 2010

There were few people on Monday night for "Half-Hour Citizen." Maybe a late return of Oberstdorf, the day before? Or a lack of love for municipal action?

Rows sparse, a regular raises one question about this discharge of land where the tower also drag pipes and scrap metal.
Mayor states that permission was given and
contractor has filed a preliminary statement. This authorization runs until November 30, 2010. This will re sod the area next spring. France
Councillor Perrin noted that the coming and going of trucks deteriorating road that is not capable of withstanding such tonnage. The Mayor agreed and added that some of these
gears are not even registered.

Another question is about a cottage built in the hamlet of
Planellet on land so tiny that it is not certain to be able to close the shutters without risking damage cars going around. Mayor said that the building permit was issued in due form PLU scheme
A small malignant advises the proud owner of equip shutters.

The next question concerns the garage Muffat and its future.
Mayor outlines several design options: Either
the fire station, or municipal services
Knowing that the technical services also eyeing this beautiful location. But priority must SDISqui answer very soon.

A communication is done on the match which saw 205 Megevan
is rendrent Oberstdorf and returning delighted with the reception they received.

Asked the gas at Villaret, the Deputy Premier said that the work is deferred by 6 months and it will depend on demand.

20h ringing the bell tower, Mayor opened the meeting.

After the adoption of the minutes, she invited to take note of the various orders and reads the most comical appreciation is signed "Friends of Megève and Demi-Quartier"
who "thanked the council for the provision gracious to the auditorium for their annual general Annual. They also thank the municipality for the interest in their shares. "So
" Friends of My House My Close My Garden "would not be devoid of humor ... ... victims back to the POS appreciate!

The first deliberation on the agreement with the SEM
Proposal is made to pay the SEM 60 € 684.87 for the fees paid to the owners of the tracks on behalf of the town of Megeve in 2009.
Councillor Ansanay deeply regrets the unequal treatment of citizens the municipality, among those who land on jaillet and others. Ducruet
Councillor asks: Who pays whom?
Who should compensate the owners?
the Mayor says it is only applying the convention of 1993 and the commune injected € 450 000 per year in the capital of the SEM There followed a debate "moderated" in the subject.
Advisers, Perrin, and Ducruet Ansanay abstain.

Deliberation following offers reward artists who have been awarded Megevan during their exposure to "Megeve Beach" and in various institutions of the village.
Mayor pays tribute to the very seconded Councillor Loidi Frei for his dedication during this event.
Councillor Bridge questioned the appropriateness of these premiums for artists who exhibit in private hands.

There followed discussions about finances
Regarding grants from the General Council for the Epic "Meg host. Councillor Perrin France asks where is the recourse of the former municipality with the General Council on amounts that should have been repaid to the Epic.
Mayor said that these funds shall be not repaid.

The council is unanimous in assigning a premium to € 4573 .50 Xavier Kuhn for first place in the World Cup in Les Contamines Montjoie and 300 € to Remi Borgeot for his place as vice world champion Junior Torsby (biathlon).

Suit disclosure of bad debts: 17 € 531.30
This is mainly non-payment of relief on track by foreign skiers.

The Sports Palace as part of its restructuring will have a "SPA Sports." A panel is appointed to choose which projects will be subject to competition under the restructuring and also for the creation of the SPA of Sports. "

Following the resignation of Deputy Worms, he is asked to replace him in the Finance Committee by Councillor Pierre Poujade and Councillor Perrin France also wants to participate. Objection Assistant Eliane Giguet who wonders if the regulation allows a board as large.

An investment budget of € 157,500 is earmarked for the construction of a center of explosives.

is asked to approve the refund of € 22,148.28 to the authority car parks. The Adviser informed the meeting Baptendier painting work undertaken in the parking Glapet.
Mayor thanked the team in place that did a great job, which was not the case of former deputy who was in charge of parking. Mr. Worms (which is public knowledge that he refused to work painting before all the waterproofing work.) Present in the room turned pale but said nothing ... ....
This is not the case of a lady in the front row, taking part in the conversation without any reprimand from the President of the meeting.

Regulation of the municipal council is truly picturesque:
The counselors are forbidden oral questions while the public can discuss in séance.Il are sprains that do not hurt ... ... Deliberation is approved in 8 abstentions, despite the angry comments of Assistant Forlin.

To close this council, the Mayor read the written questions from Councillor Poujade. About oral questions that are banned from the strict application of the Regulation: "... would he not desirable to return to this point of order and maintain the oral formulation of various issues?

the Mayor said that the regulations apply, but we could create a working group for the groom ...
. The Deputy
Poujade replies that these rules restrict the right of expression of elected and that's a political mistake.

The second question concerns the future of the Museum of Megeve.
A person will be hired to manage it.

Last question about the ramp of heating Perchet:

".... We question the fact that water systems are not affected by this work.
the Mayor replied that they are made at the crosswalk.

Under Regulation Procedure (Rule 28 Minutes)
"Discussions are listed in order of date. They are signed by all members present at the meeting, or mention is made of the cause which has prevented them from signing '
course this has never been applied since the beginning of this mandate. Picturesque and elastic

this draconian law!


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