Saturday, March 19, 2011

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General Assembly 2011

The 2nd place AG Saturday, March 19 at 18h ballroom of Bilhères in Ossau (church square, same place as last year).


  • review of various contracts
  • balance sheet with membership renewal (5 euros to be paid at the AGM)
  • tasting if any of By then new contracts organized
  • matters (presence of Amapiens from producers for distribution, new home voluntary "responsible contracts" to replace those who do not renew, website amap, ...)

Like last year a party will follow the AGM, everyone makes a house specialty dishes, pastry drinks ... without moderation.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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chickens weigh about 2 pounds, and will have 120 days. The price will be 6.5 € / kg or about 13 € chicken. The contract commits you to a period of seven months from September to March. Distributions that will be on Wednesday at the same time as the rest but once every 15 days. Or 2 distributions per month.

contract completion date: April 15, for deliveries beginning in September (so the farmer can predict the number of chickens to raise).

order that the farmer can know if his plan is the road I ask those interested to send an email to in order: "Contract Chicken, "and tell me how many chickens you want every 15 days. I count on you for serious answers from the keeper do not find this "chocolate" when making contracts.
Deadline for response: Sunday, March 6.

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Polka magazine 12

Polka is a magazine of photojournalism.
From photography to writing history, to feel a time, to write the words. From
humanistic photography, intense and realistic.
A photograph - Testimony.
Polka is a magazine where photography has meaning and photographer presence.

Polka some ways, recalls the heyday of Paris-Match which subjects rubbed thin sections more difficult, while promoting the image.

In this Spring issue, we go so the discovery of a Pakistani painter, Iqbal Hussain, whose paintings of women are controversial (his models are prostitutes unveiled) to a "story accusing" (or how the photograph taken by Ed Or two child soldiers in Somalia will cause a scandal in the U.S. States).
ensued an article on Marc Ribout, poetry, compassion and tenderness of his gaze.

Polka then discusses the revolution in the Arab world.
Although things are changing rapidly, this issue remains relevant for understanding (support) these mass movements and avoid the "clash of civilizations."
In this regard, the editorial Alain Genestar is just critical of our western governments. A moving tribute

is also made to Mohamed Bouazizi, seller Tunisian who was slain Dec. 17, 2010 to protest against the injustices he was a victim (by Abdellah Taia).

We travel again: the French schools of Kabul, Afghanistan (Esteqlal, Malalai) in Haiti, where despite the declarations of the international community, nothing changes. We turn
testimony on poverty in France to a surprising story about a ghetto black riders Philadelphia and continue on our reading of Pina Bausch not to continue with a tribute to Oscar Niemeyer, one of the builders and architect Brasillia the French Communist Party headquarters in Paris.
few pages each time provoking curiosity, challenge, or move him.

Particularly rich and dense in the themes, this issue of spring 2011 ends with excerpts from the book by Stéphane Hessel, indignation you! on Course!

Polka is a quarterly magazine but also a gallery .
Publication Manager: Alain Genestar.
Project Family launched by Edward and Adelie Genestar.

- Sir -

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Basketball Court


The council has adopted recently a modern system of coded aperture offices and other meeting rooms, with traceability and accessibility settings. The phone has been replaced by a digital system and all that is best in this genre. A real little Pentagon ... We are not ranked joint 40 000-80 000 for nothing.
The ultimate technology has probably been reached on acquisition of a copier to print selectively. A photocopier that would not have denied Filochard, the character the banner of the famous trio Foot-nickel.
This copier has indeed the capacity (probably digital) to discern what is acceptable and what is not. Back
picture: We're 31 January 2011 at the council meeting. Councillor Poujade a question the mayor about the EPIC water, repeating the questions of Ms. Sylvie Debiève. By way of non-response, our officials after listing the work done in 2011 we provide, a posteriori to justify the dissolution of the EPIC water, some leaves with a photocopy the audit report of the Treasury, No. 2010-74-73 Page 5 / 16
On this landscape format only appears on the right: "Weaknesses" and on the left, and a pristine white. Intrigued by this
amputation and curious about the 16-page audit of the TG we go to town hall.
The DGS provides us with the report and when we talk page five we are hardly surprised that the original, the left is not as pristine as the document that the we were provided. In fact
are listed the strengths of the EPIC water. No fewer than eight strengths, ranging from rigorous classification of parts and records to: The authority parking revenue pays regular budget funds received EPIC.
There would be a photocopier for mayor of a technology so advanced that it can justify a posteriori the dissolution of the EPIC water n 'print as weaknesses This EPIC. You feel really overwhelmed by progress .....
Seriously, what credibility now given to the team in place? After
opacity is the trick! This kind of propensity to think that councilors are there to make the number.
A kind of army of Duracell bunnies who can swallow anything ...
To summarize, the vote on the dissolution of the EPIC water was made without supporting documentation. In order not to respond to that question more relevant, it has been supplied by a false failure to justify a posteriori a vote called "sovereign".
Megeve And in all this?
Does the majority (municipal) silent will finally take note of these manipulations and dissociate themselves from the system opaque and faker? To be continued ...
We live in a village so picturesque!

F. Fugier and F. Perrin

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Can You Buy Ferris Bueller Clothes

goat's cheese makers

Bunny Ranch Isabella Soprano


Sylvie Soubielle, montoulieusoubielle.fam @,

and Anne Roland,,

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Pork Gascon

Small Packages fresh vacuum at € 11.33 250g Loin, Sausages 250g, 300g Boudin
Big package fresh vacuum at € 22.66: 500g Loin, Sausages 500g, 600g Boudin
Parcel deli € 28.14: 1 sausage, 200g Chorizo, Coppa 200g (or nuts of ham), 1 Hure, 1 Grease, 1 terrine. Next

distributions: Wednesday 9 February and 9 March 2011.

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The Contract Manager

Carine. What else?

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Farm boar - Issor (64)
Sarl Cazaurang Françoise and Bernard Delhay

Race High:
native Pyrenean foothills of the Black Pig is one of the Gascon oldest known types of pork
France. The black pig is a pig Gascon rustic home which is part of the Iberian Massif
Pyrenean since ancient time. Living in perfect harmony with its natural taste and flavor
uncommon, this local race is part of our cultural heritage.
Information Operating
Located in the Aspe Valley, the wild boar farm covers 30 hectares, the black pigs are bred
slow growth in a park of 18 ha. Once mature these animals a hundred pounds
are slaughtered and processed into various products.
The method of rearing / Food:
The animals are raised outdoors in undergrowth of oak and chestnut trees where they hide, and
on natural grasslands. With about 5 pigs per hectare, they are in conditions of optimum comfort
They find their food naturally in the undergrowth (roots, acorns, wild herbs,
snails ...) and in natural grassland (grasses, legumes ...).
Their diet is supplemented with grain, barley, faba due to a distribution once a
products operations:
Breeders and delicatessen, Francoise Bernard and therefore offer you the processed products such as
ham, salami, copa, chorizo, confit terrine and black pork variety Gascon raised outdoors.
Pork is also marketed as fresh meat packages or vacuum they offer you
sausage, loins, sausages ...

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Mauritius offers its bread: Wheat
Bise (T80) 500g Wheat
Bise (T80) 1kg
Whole Wheat (T130) Whole Wheat 500g
(T130) 1kg
Maslin (wheat and rye) Bread 500g
seeds 440g
Surprise bread 440 g mini brioche 280g

3 month contract .
Ongoing contract: from 02/02/2011 to 27/04/2011 included.

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The Contract Manager

Mystery and bread dough.

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The baker

The Bakehouse Sainte Colome. ROTH
Maurice, baker at St. Colome.

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meat goat

Chevreau integer (6kg) or half goat (3kg).

Annual contract. Next
distribution February 11, 2011.

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The Contract Manager

Mystery hooves and 1000.

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Vegetables Lasseube

Cart 8 €

Ongoing contract: 9 February 2011 to 30 March (8 Wednesdays).

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The Contract Manager

Audrey REMY, you can join the or by mail to remy.audrey @

and Mary at

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Wheat flour

FLOUR T65, T80 and T110,
bag of 1kg, 5kg or 20kg (try ordering 5 kg per type of meal, even if you put 2, for not too much maintenance in bags of 1 kg).

contracts of 6 months.
Next deliveries: February 23, April 27 and June 29

Wheatfield Origin: Bearn, Pays Basque and exceptionally Gers
wheat varieties selected for the local traditions Certified AB
Mill sale to individuals and Artisan Bakers

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The Contract Manager

Anne Mary Paroix to Sévignaq

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The Menier

MILL DUFAU St LERENA EEP (between Sauveterre and Peyrehorade)

Moulin Traditionnel exploité par la famille de Jean Paul DUFAU depuis 1895.
Production de Farines issues de blés conventionnels jusqu’en 2002.
2002 Certification par Qualité France pour production de Farine Biologiques.

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honey and pollen

Miel (pot de 500g) : Acacia, Toutes fleurs de plaine, Haute montagne, Tilleul et Bruyère.

Pollen sec (pot de 250g) ou congelé.

Contrats de 3 mois (1 livraison).
Date limite de remise du prochain contrat : 9 mars 2011
Prochaine livraison : 16 mars 2011

Welcome Speech For Annual Day At Office

The Contract Manager

Maider GOÑI attend vos contrats tout bien remplis, à lui remettre lors d'une distribution
ou par e
15 rue d'Espalungue
64260 LOUVIE Juzon 05 59 05 45 76

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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These are boxes of 10 kilos of veal broutard to 11.5 € per kilo:
- about 3kg of meat pieces to make the jump
- 2 pieces of ham
- 15 packs of 2 cutlets
- 15 bags of 2 ribs
- 1 slice of about 1.2 pounds - of pieces of meat to the stew.

A contract year beginning March.

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The Contract Manager

Berdou Vincent, you can join the 06 79 52 94 91
or by mail to

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Stéphane Court to Eaux Bonnes

Agricultural Area: 22 hectares (including 1.5 ha property)

- 15 cows (mothers) with Blonde d'Aquitaine calves (yearlings)
- Basco-Béarnaise 190 ewes (AOC cheese, milk-fed lamb from the Pyrenees - Red Label) and 6 rams
- Established since September 2003 on the family farm, father retired for 3 years
- 22 ha including 18 ha grass hay with possibility + sousououéou summering in the summer and long bridge in winter for the cows.
- Barn sheep and storage fodder in the village and cowshed on a slope furthest
- Wishes promote its products through direct sales to allow the operation to function without unpaid work (homemaker)
- rotational grazing on different pasture plots
- The cows remained stable in three months from January to March and are out for the rest of the year: in April and May grazing on the farm, from June to October in mountain pastures, from November to January on the plain of the Pont-Long.
- Visitors during winter with the Tourist Office

Stéphane Court settled on the family farm in 2003 with his father. Today -owners, he wants to keep his flock of sheep and cattle in "traditional" system. The goal is for him to come to live by his profession by being alone on his farm with wage employment. A balance is to be built between recovery products, herd size and production system.

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The AMAP Ossau Valley

AMAP was born in 2009 and now includes hundreds of amapiens and a dozen producers.

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How to participate? Distribution

AMAP Valley of Ossau and reserved for Béarn Béarn and pure strain for 8 generations.
A DNA sample will be conducted to validate your application (sample free, funded by the Ministry of National Identity 134).

If the test is positive, the entrance exams are the following:
  • Weeding in the garden of Nicolas in less than 12 min.
  • Contract Management GMO corn for 4 years.
  • Animation of the AGM not more than 3 deaths.
At this point, you understand that we like messing around and you are welcome, because of course you accept the charter of AMAP and you commit to participate in the life of AMAP.

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There is a distribution week

Wednesday of 18H to 19H
LOUVIE-JUSON, opposite the Tavern.

is the place and time to get acquainted and see how it goes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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traffics women

Trafficking in women is a survey that describes the intricacies of the exploitation of women and children for sexual purposes.
From evidence which lead us from Japan to Mexico through Burma and the Middle East, Lydia Cacho reveals the mechanisms behind the scenes of the mafia and sex trade (trafficking and trafficking), now with the weapons and drugs World's most profitable.

All defects of human society are highlighted in these dramas: sexism, racism, violence and greed ...
with filigree, questions arising at the place of women and minorities, globalization and corruption, misery (educational and financial) ...

A book has some interior illustrations. We quickly forget the captions as they seem ridiculous and unnecessary (despite all the horror and perhaps because of the emotional charge of the book).
We focus on the cons by maps detailing the trafficking of people around the world (sex tourism, corruption ....). Their reading is telling.

Building on field work and a deep knowledge of legislation and policy, Lydia Cacho identifies the problem of sexual exploitation without evade complexity.
She stressed the importance of the military and wars in the development of the phenomenon, the links between trafficking: arms, people (illegal labor ...), of organs, the impossible battle without education or gender, without resolution of the misery the delicate balance in the fight against the exploitation of human beings, while respecting the liberties and avoiding recovery (religious, extremists ...).
Oppose this world of violence, corruption, dehumanization, is not without danger. Lydia Cacho knows some collusion between police, mafia and politicians. She paid the price (as well as numerous witnesses interviewed and libertarians, some died).

In addition to a conclusion ... not really optimistic, the book includes a terminology of concepts used either the "mafia", "trafficking", the "slavery" or "trafficking". So many details necessary to understand the subject and approach it without risk of misinterpretation. Lydia Cacho
ends with an appendix where it gives clues to combat, at our level, against the exploitation of people, fragile and vulnerable, including children. And although some boards are those of a militant involvement stems from the awareness.

It remains for us to fight or give up. Tell
is already a way of holding sleeves.

trafficking of women Lydia Cacho
editions of the New World , January 2011 for the French translation.

- Sir -

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Christoph Niemann is an illustrator who handles ideas with humor and intelligence. He knows enough control codes and graphics to have fun with. This is true of all his work it is for adults or children. In

Little Dragon it uses the signs of the Chinese writing with a casual communication.
Its design is very simple, very sweet. The pastel tones of the set are highlighted in a specific location, by black lines: they are Chinese characters defined in footnotes.

Someone will be two curves on the body 人
A face marked with a mustache represent the father 父

So many fun and creative ways to approach writing without compromising the reading. By a kind of intuitive method, Christoph Niemann dares comparisons of images, video weddings, personal and happy.

By following the story of Lin, a little girl who goes in search of his lost dragon, children will learn without even realizing it, some Chinese characters. Lin

through China, will cross mountains and rivers without being discouraged. Through his kindness and his dedication, it will eventually find his friend and all will conclude with a fireworks display to say the least surprising.

Little Dragon by Christoph Niemann Editions Gallimard.

- Sir -

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Little Dragon Town of tiny loops

In a very similar format hardback children (those that could produce Hachette in the 50s), and Mami Chan Blanquet we have a colorful history and music: Town of tiny loops.

Album cover for collectors or real book-CD for children? The ambiguity is not a problem: so many toddlers get used to the singular beauty and does not sanctify the book.

Moreover, the object is solid, handling him will only add luster to the patina.

But, silence!
What a strange stirring in this little theater!

Children monsters and chimeras, cuddly and mechanisms of organic Blanquet move like the shadow expressive eyes glowing in a landscape.
lush jungle or burning sky? Carnival or cataclysm?
The four elements are present (air, earth, water, fire) to a strange sarabande where characters move guided by a kind of vital necessity, imperious.

Mami Chan enters the scene. She blew the codes, the malaise that we could seize. His music mixes the colors and it casts a dispute over the drawings Blanquet. Curious sensory work where sound acts like light through stained glass.

Mami Chan alternate titles and poetic melancholy, festive and joyful without curb the touch of madness that characterizes it. The pretty doll
us with a nicely lit album in a mixture of affiliation with Erik Satie, Pascal Comelade and Japanese pop.

And the child is constructed by closing the curtain of this small theater.
Dreams full head, he sleeps, he is beautiful.

The Town of tiny Loops (free listening), drawings by Blanquet, music Mami Chan.
Released in December 2010 in the collection Ponpokette.

- Sir -

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Many Calories In 16 Oz Of Vegetable Soup

Megeve ... the sun!

With a beautiful sunny day and persisted for a month, some information about the opening of the ski area.
teams lifts, groomers and snowmakers have done an outstanding job to maintain and secure ski conditions completely satisfactory in terms of little snowfall. You can browse or rediscover this day 75% of the skiing and plan routes based on your skills and your envies.Restez however vigilant in adjusting your speed to the snow.

Some landscapes dating from February 9, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dr. Arvind Poswal Hair

The surprise box of my six years.

Boarding! And no quarter! Muni's
filochard (eyepatch Pirate)
caught in the surprise bag, cardboard
dégommons any-va!
"The perfect surprise?! You bet!

Two books not much larger than those supplied in packs of yoghurt at promos, and a mini felt a surprise which is not worth those Kinder! 5.95 € (39 francs), is better to make a MacDonalds! And I'm not a fan of McDonalds.

surprises boxes (two booklets, two toys, mini felt) published in Fleurus, 3 to 6 years for boys and girls.

- Sir -

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Walk to learn to love

The Way of Saint Jacques de Compostela,
is a round trip of 4000 km on foot.
Here the diary of a return ...
up Challes-les-Eaux. 928 hours

told daily by Gerard La Tortue Trier said.
Walk to learn to love , is his travel diary: 112 days of personal testimony with a few addresses, a bibliography on the road to St Jacques, a book of color photos and a DVD available.

The book opens on a map: the route is traced. Then comes the page with the announcement of the title and the presentation follows a quotation from Follereau.

Page 5, Gerard Trier dedicated his book to his family, his children, grandchildren, parents, stepmother, stepfather, uncle, brothers, friends anonymous or named, those of the Mauritius, America or Togo, pilgrims, hospital, hikers, indigenous ...

Breathless, it starts on page 7 with a preface by Nicolas Vanier, followed by a prologue page 9 Andre Drean, itself extended a foreword by Gerard Trier.

page 21, we are finally beginning the return journey. He leads us, dating meditation until page 447. Arrive
few digressions on mail received during the absence of the author presenting an evening slide show, some addresses, some thoughts, some poems, four citations: Pythagoras, Lao-Tzu, Immanuel Kant and ... Yves Duteil!
It is high time we separated.

But before closing the book, it remains to address a list of thanks goes to Zazie Patrice Dard, through Nicolas Vanier and the wife of Gerard Trier, his children, his brother, his sister, his sister, his friends, Andrew Drean, Glenda Pajean, Christine and John, Alexandra Ragache Alain Durieu, Patrick Jager, Frederic Columbus, etc., etc..
(there was one page)

The die is cast. The book is laid on the table. We look with satisfaction until his hand away and that way, so surprising as unexpected as a preface to the singer Zazie. A preface
back cover?! It never ends!

St. Jacques de Compostela Walking to learn to love Gerard Trier in Trier editions.
If you meet the author, you will surely be a white stone, small stone heart picked up en route.

All rights revert to the endowment fund "hope youth" to support the Auteuil Foundation for underprivileged children and troubled youth.

- Mr (mocking but benevolent) -

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Real Life Didier Super

Didier Super: l'album!

After creating a buzz on the Internet, have been worn and rennet, Didier Super is released by his producer and record company.

Real Life Didier Super sums it up in a few pages with flashy colors and garish faithful reflection of the character and his universe.

And we discover, for those who doubted, a fierce and lucid clown, street performer, who throws acid on his next report with the public and the operation of the French music scene (it hurts).

And as he says: - Better to laugh than to really care.

BD, true - false bio arranged, is as funny as the right pages Fluid or Psikopat. Humor is often Vachard and ruthless, never innocent, seldom free in the tradition of hara-kiri; to scuttle those rights to remain in their boots, honest, even when to eat.

To continue to monitor Didier Super ago his site and his shows. To better understand the
, read the album.

The real life of Emmanuel Didier Super Reuzé and Didier Super,
Editions Delcourt, September 2010.