Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Basketball Court


The council has adopted recently a modern system of coded aperture offices and other meeting rooms, with traceability and accessibility settings. The phone has been replaced by a digital system and all that is best in this genre. A real little Pentagon ... We are not ranked joint 40 000-80 000 for nothing.
The ultimate technology has probably been reached on acquisition of a copier to print selectively. A photocopier that would not have denied Filochard, the character the banner of the famous trio Foot-nickel.
This copier has indeed the capacity (probably digital) to discern what is acceptable and what is not. Back
picture: We're 31 January 2011 at the council meeting. Councillor Poujade a question the mayor about the EPIC water, repeating the questions of Ms. Sylvie Debiève. By way of non-response, our officials after listing the work done in 2011 we provide, a posteriori to justify the dissolution of the EPIC water, some leaves with a photocopy the audit report of the Treasury, No. 2010-74-73 Page 5 / 16
On this landscape format only appears on the right: "Weaknesses" and on the left, and a pristine white. Intrigued by this
amputation and curious about the 16-page audit of the TG we go to town hall.
The DGS provides us with the report and when we talk page five we are hardly surprised that the original, the left is not as pristine as the document that the we were provided. In fact
are listed the strengths of the EPIC water. No fewer than eight strengths, ranging from rigorous classification of parts and records to: The authority parking revenue pays regular budget funds received EPIC.
There would be a photocopier for mayor of a technology so advanced that it can justify a posteriori the dissolution of the EPIC water n 'print as weaknesses This EPIC. You feel really overwhelmed by progress .....
Seriously, what credibility now given to the team in place? After
opacity is the trick! This kind of propensity to think that councilors are there to make the number.
A kind of army of Duracell bunnies who can swallow anything ...
To summarize, the vote on the dissolution of the EPIC water was made without supporting documentation. In order not to respond to that question more relevant, it has been supplied by a false failure to justify a posteriori a vote called "sovereign".
Megeve And in all this?
Does the majority (municipal) silent will finally take note of these manipulations and dissociate themselves from the system opaque and faker? To be continued ...
We live in a village so picturesque!

F. Fugier and F. Perrin


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