Didier Super: l'album!

Real Life Didier Super sums it up in a few pages with flashy colors and garish faithful reflection of the character and his universe.
And we discover, for those who doubted, a fierce and lucid clown, street performer, who throws acid on his next report with the public and the operation of the French music scene (it hurts).
And as he says: - Better to laugh than to really care.
BD, true - false bio arranged, is as funny as the right pages Fluid or Psikopat. Humor is often Vachard and ruthless, never innocent, seldom free in the tradition of hara-kiri; to scuttle those rights to remain in their boots, honest, even when to eat.
To continue to monitor Didier Super ago his site and his shows. To better understand the
, read the album.
The real life of Emmanuel Didier Super Reuzé and Didier Super,
Editions Delcourt, September 2010.
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