Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ap Biology Laboratory 4 Answers

EPIC EPIC ...... serious and angry!

The entire council has received the following letter,
we thought it appropriate to broadcast it on our blog
to reflect more broadly on the dissolution of EPIC.
This will probably a more objective view that
what official rhetoric would have us see.

Madam Mayor, DGS M, Mrs., Mr. Presidents of EPICS;

Given the large number of questions of elected municipal
local media, representatives of users of counseling
administration, staff, and citizens we
receive, let me relay, and ask
clarification as to the resolution passed on December 20 last
on the dissolution of EPIC

- Why do you mention that "today, the fare is not
in line with reality?

- What is the "problem of depreciation" referred
Ravix by M?

- Why do you mention that "Epics are more
able to borrow and, consequently, to achieve
investments which blocks the common
its development" ? while the water budget
drinking and parking are (very) widely
capacity to borrow, without compromising their "healthy" financial?

- What "road work they have been approved by the town
because of the governed"?

- What are the "new rules of accounting
Local Authorities that impose terms
management that can not be taken into account

- Why M Ravix mentions that Megeve
"is one of the last joint and manage its regulated"
while M Saddier at Bonneville, just put an end to
Veolia's contract and move into self-governed double
(1 January 2011) its water and sanitation
(ditto for Sallanches and Les Houches: governed
financial autonomy);

- Why he writes that "the service must be at least
expenditure and this is not the case at present";
when this happens?

- Why is it written that "this decision was taken
on the recommendations of the Regional Chamber of Accounts",
while no written finding no evidence to support these statements?

Thank you for your answers to allow me to enlighten
questionings many we receive,
live in the authority;

In the meantime, very cordially,



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