According to a BVA poll, Gallup, the French are the champions of pessimism. Not today deny what we claim to fame. It will be at least the champions in a field.
The year 2010 has been synonymous with budget restrictions.
many associations (including cultural) have paid the price.
Yet despite some abuses, public money spent in education and coaching avoids, in many cases, repression of future citizens lost.
Books Treasury was one of those teams who do an admirable job in favor of reading and children, in a department, moreover, that badly needed (Seine-Saint-Denis). It's over .
We invite you to visit their site before closing it and to keep their PDF files that are of exemplary quality.
ActuaLitté , news website, free and independent, devoted to the Book announces the closure of Comptoir des Independants. Difficult but not surprising. Hoping there is not too much damage for broadcast publishers ...
Few people outside the editorial circle, know the situation of employees of the Book. That's why we relay the umpteenth call votive social partners to open a dialogue with the NIS.
Open Letter to Antoine GallimardPresident of the National Edition
Paris, January 5, 2011
Mr. President,
Our disappointment is deep in the beginning of 2011 to see that your first six months of presidency at the head NIS did not change practices, or the designs of your professional organization in respect of the Inter-branch and the employees it represents.
For the NIS, the social dimension is still clearly the last of his concerns!
However, during our rencontre du 22 septembre 2010, après votre élection à la tête du SNE, les organisations syndicales avaient pu espérer, sur la base de vos propos, que vous ne laisseriez pas un sujet de négociation aussi important que la nécessaire revalorisation des salaires minima conventionnels enterré dans la situation de blocage et d'échecs subis depuis des années.
Au cours des trois dernières années, la délégation du SNE a fait pression sur l'intersyndicale pour obtenir la suppression de la garantie annuelle de salaire, équivalent d'un treizième mois conventionnel. Or, il s’agit là de l’un des rares et derniers acquis pour les salariés de l’Édition which was not removed during the series of denunciations of the collective agreement by the NIS! The
permanent blackmail of the NIS for the removal of this annual guarantee against a higher minimum wage scales leads today that all conventional levels of employees and two levels of supervisors and technicians are below SMIC bar, which is unworthy of our industry.
When national monitoring committee of wage bargaining branch, November 25, 2010, Edition was reported by the Directorate General of Labour as one of the two worst Students from all branches of industry. Such a situation, very harmful not only to employees but also the image of our industry, can he satisfy you in your capacity as Chairman in charge of defending the interests of the French edition?
The question of raising salaries is not, alas, the only social subject neglected by the social committee of the NIS. The grim toll of 2010 speaks for itself:
denial of a branch in negotiation for an agreement on the employment of "senior" rejection of any discussion about the portability of pensions, the NIS has posted on this subject a total cynicism against former employees for unemployment compensation Edition! total lack of will lead to the revision of the industrial agreement for employees' access to vocational training for more than six months, the delegation will convene social NIS over the unions, then that NIS has a complete text proposed by them ...- and still no commitment on equality bargaining wages between women and men, nor any initiative of the NIS to stabilize the conditions of application of social dialogue in the industry and business, under the provisions of the Act of August 20, 2008!
no justification in economic terms, the leaders of the industry's Edition show such disregard for the fate of some 14,800 employees (source 2009 report OPCA CGM) that contribute to the activity the French edition and to its growth.
sales in publishing has remained stable over the last three years (2829 million euros in 2009). Stability envied by many other cultural sectors affected by the crisis. Because the book remains well ahead of cultural property in terms of economic weight in the sector: it accounts for 54% of its total turnover, against 10% for CD, 18% for video and 18% for video games .
The French edition has just received government extending the VAT rate to 5.5% on downloadable books, which further increases the favorable economic conditions and protecting it receives.
branch she can still become eligible for long relief charges on low salaries afforded to him by the thousands of employees it pays minimum wage, particularly those employees who provide activities and book distribution which does not recognize NIS membership in the collective agreement ...?
In the beginning of the year where the custom is in the transmission of wishes for the coming months, we wish to branch in publishing the advent of a fair social dialogue, free from blackmail and ulterior motives. A balanced dialogue, respect for employees and their representatives. A dialogue that kind of lowest social and procrastination.
For this dialogue, you know, is essential to meet modern and responsible manner the complex challenges facing the edition, including digital.
Mr. Speaker, we have that 2011 marks the end of social deprivation for the employees of the French Edition!
Paris, January 5
For the CFDT Martine Prosper @ m.prosper
For CGT Lawrence Gaboriau
For FP Jacqueline Becker
For CFTC Robert Vane
For CFE-CGC Veronique Song veronique.chanson @
That's all for today.
Years go by and look (we do not even look elsewhere).
gears on 2011 2010.
Roll on next year we laugh!
- Sir -
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